Spoken Word Wednesday: Rye High Productions

I want to focus a Channel on Soundcloud rather than just one poem,  It was very hard to choose one because every track is excellent.  Most of the poems are love poems. Others are very inspirational. The voice is clear, passionate and lends an immediacy and urgency to the poems.    The music behind the poems enhance, rather than distract. And while the poems feel raw they are skillfully crafted, giving a brutally honest integrity to the poetry.

Spoken Word Wednesday: I am the Aquifer by Lonnie Hicks

Lonnie Hicks is a spiritual poet from San Francisco.  He writes a lot of spiritual and social commentary poetry.  His website is here.  Today’s spoken word is an environmental poem which lyrically describes the life of an aquifer that is slowly being depleted.  There is a lot of biblical imagery in the poem but it provides a good context for the impact we have on our environment.  The reading is delivered in the traditional poet’s style – a flat delivery, but his passion can be felt in and under his voice.  A transcript of the poem is here.  Enjoy.
